Online Yoga Teacher Training

What if I told you that you could train to become a yoga instructor without having to put your life on hold and travel across the globe? Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, it’s not.

Online yoga teacher training is an exciting new way to learn how to teach yoga online on your own time. And frankly, it’s the easiest way for most people to get their yoga certification.

With 200-hour, 300-hour, and 500-hour programs for home learning, there’s never been a better time for aspiring yogis with busy lives who want to become certified instructors.

Angelica Govaert Online Yoga Teacher Training

Are You Ready to Take Your Yoga Practice to the Next Level?

Yoga is a fantastic way to enhance your life, deepen your understanding of yourself and others, and find inner peace. If you’re ready to take your yoga practice to the next level—or if you already have a full-time career in another field but would like to earn additional income by teaching yoga at home or becoming a yoga instructor —there are many rewarding opportunities available for those who choose to pursue them.

In addition to learning how to teach others through online yoga teacher training programs like mine (which can also be used as continuing education credits), there are several other options:

  • Earn Yoga Alliance certification. This will allow you to teach internationally recognized courses that meet national standards for safety and quality in teaching methodology.
  • Become a yoga studio owner. If owning your own business sounds attractive, this could be just what you’re looking for! You’ll need some capital upfront, or get lucky at the poker table like I did, but with time and effort on your part—and support from trusted friends/family members along the way—the payoff could be huge!

Online Yoga Teacher Training Can Be Completed Anywhere

The online yoga teacher training program is completely independent of a physical studio. Whether you live in Boise or Cincinnati, Phoenix or Las Vegas, you can still complete the program entirely from your own home. This means that no travel is necessary and you can work at your own pace each week.

No waiting for others to take their bathroom break before watching the next yoga teacher training module!

You’ll be able to learn anywhere, anytime – whether it’s on a bus ride to work or while sitting on the couch watching TV at night. During an online yoga teacher training course you’ll be able to take advantage of all of the resources available online: videos and articles, audios and written materials; even our very own discord group in case you need help or have questions along the way!

The best part? Your yoga certification is completely individualized to your goals and dreams – so no matter where life takes you next (or even if it stays in one place) this course will help you THRIVE as a yoga teacher!

This Yoga Alliance Certified Course is the First of it’s Kind

The Yoga Alliance certified course is the first of its kind. It’s the only online yoga teacher training program that you are the only student in your class. Each week you’ll get new videos and materials released, you complete your assignments, at the end of your week, at a time you choose to meet with me each week, we’ll review your practicum assignment. I answer your questions and we focus completely on you. The weekly zoom meeting usually runs one to two hours depending on your assignment and your needs.

With the online platform, you will be able to study at your own pace each week and meet with me at the time that suits YOU each week. This is not just any other online yoga certification course: it has been developed by an expert with years of experience who has built their own successful studios from scratch; I know what works!

Over 1,225 people have successfully graduated from this very online yoga teacher training course and many of them own their own yoga studios. Graduates have gone on to teach all over the world at spas, resorts, community centers, non-profits, bars, breweries, casinos, apartment complexes, beaches, you name it… I’ve got graduates teaching yoga in the best places on earth.

In this course you will get videos on anatomy, asana, mastering sequencing, as well as practical advice on how to set up your yoga business when you graduate (including crucial tips from other graduate students). You’ll also gain access to an exclusive mentor network where graduates can share advice with one another before opening their own practice or studio.

This year’s graduates of Online Yoga Teacher Training have already opened their own studios and are actively teaching yoga! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity – sign up today!

D’Mese RYT-200 Graduate 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 2022

Online Yoga Teacher Training with Angelica is Focused, Empowering, and Completely Online

I am passionate about yoga and I love what we do. This online teacher training program is focused, empowering, and completely online!

Your success is important to me, and that’s why I teach students one on one.

Online Yoga Teacher Training doesn’t work if it’s go at your own pace. Most never have the resolve to finish because it’s easy to wait another day. That’s why I meet with you every week for 10 weeks. So you can graduate online yoga teacher training and get to the best part which is teaching yoga.

This 10 week online yoga teacher training is the EXACT program that I taught in the yoga studio, but even more knowledge to help you achieve your dream of teaching yoga than what I taught in person.

Because we don’t have to wait for people to drive to the studio, park their car, eat their lunch, have emotional breakdowns, personalities don’t get in the way.

We are completely focused on you!

There is no better way to learn than with one-on-one attention from a dedicated instructor who will guide you through the process of becoming certified as an instructor in this ancient practice. My classes are individual so that each you get the time you need to master skills while learning how to thrive as a yoga teacher!

Elizabeth Marshall E-RYT500, Graduate 2014 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training and 2021 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training


In summary, online yoga teacher training is the best way to get started on your journey as a yoga instructor. With this program you will have access to all of the materials needed in order to complete your 200 hour yoga alliance approved yoga teacher training with ease and at an affordable rate. While it isn’t a cheap yoga teacher training, it’s not a cheap program. This is a premium yoga certification online at an affordable tuition price. You get more than you pay for.

This online yoga certification will also provide valuable information about how you can use this knowledge to actually thrive and get jobs teaching yoga. Visit to sign up today.

Take a chill yin yoga class with Angelica on Youtube