Does Yoga Help You Lose Weight?

I’ve been teaching yoga for 17 years, and practicing yoga for 35 years. One of the top questions I get asked by students wanting to get certified to teach yoga, is… Does yoga help you lose weight?

The shortest answer to that question is no. It doesn’t.

The largest contributor to weight loss or gain is what you eat and how much of it you it.

Yoga can help you to tone your body. Practicing Yoga helps to build strength physically. Yoga will improve your flexibility.

The answer to whether or not yoga by itself with no other modifications to your diet will cause weight loss is not exactly.

But never fear, there is a positive side! Do not be sad.

Yoga will help you lose weight as part of a mindset shift.

I explain it all in this video.

What you’ll learn in any good yoga certification, online yoga certification, or yoga teacher training is that yoga is more about the mind than it is about the body.

Be wise, there are a number of charlatans out there that will tell you that doing yoga will help you lose weight effortlessly.

Well meaning yoga teachers will tell you that all you have to do is do yoga and suddenly the weight will drop off.

But weight loss is more complicated than just starting to exercise.

Starting a yoga practice will change your life in many ways, if you stick to it and keep up a constant practice.

The change will be so much more than weight loss.

The best way to change your body is to change your mind.

Blessings and Love,
